Locus Index to SF awards Of the two women in Locus's poll one, Andre Norton, had been "gender ambiguous" for many of her readers.
Many of the imprint's titles were nominees or winners of Hugo and Nebula awards, along with other major SF awards.
This has often included the national SF awards of the host country, including the Japanese Seiun Awards as part of Nippon 2007, and the Prix Aurora Awards as part of Anticipation 2009.
Winner of both the CompuServe Science Fiction and Fantasy Forum's Sixth Annual HOMer Award for Best Short Story of the Year and Le Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire, France's top SF award, for Best Foreign Short Story of the Year.
-Vancouver, B.C. April 1996 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Spider Robinson is the winner of many-major SF awards, including three Hugos, one Nebula, and the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Spider Robinson, winner of three Hugos, a Nebula, and numerous other SF awards, presently makes his home in Vancouver, British Columbia, with his wife, choreographer/writer Jeanne Robinson, their daughter, presently named Tern, and a cat named - Smokey Pixel.
Sawyer's work often crosses over from science fiction to mystery; he won both Canada's top SF award (the Prix Aurora Award) and its top mystery-fiction award (the Arthur Ellis Award) for his 1993 short story "Just Like Old Times."