Soon after, he published his first article, which was little more than a brief overview and survey of the SF genre.
A character driven story can do just fine in the SF genre - perhaps those who so vehemently disagree are really action fans?
Introduces millions of people to to British humour and the SF genre every year.
It's more inner than outer space but, as you'd expect of Sturgeon (and indeed the whole SF genre) it gets your mind pondering the big stuff....
Furthermore, the existence of more than one year's best anthology in the SF genre has been good for the field.
Niven's most famous contribution to the SF genre is his concept of the Ringworld, a band of approximately the same diameter as Earth's orbit rotating around a star.
Introduced in 1981, the SFERA Award is the only national award for the SF genre in Croatia.
Even if some of his stories do not exactly fall into the SF genre, they usually feature elements of the fantastic.
Having established which informants were the most experienced in the SF genre, all the informants were given the passage reproduced below.