The magazine Der Freiwillige, published by SS veterans, capitalized on the award and wrote that Peiper had been "unfairly sentenced" for war crimes.
Let the police trot out their mug books with the photographs of wealthy fascists and decrepit SS veterans.
It was removed after local Jews complained that it was inappropriate at a cemetery where more than 100 SS veterans, including a general, are buried.
German veterans' organizations, including the SS veterans' group HIAG, objected to Wehrmacht soldiers being depicted casually executing hostages and Resistance members in the film.
However, Hannah Arendt claims that Eichmann was assisted in his escape by ODESSA, "a clandestine organization of SS veterans".
The SS veterans in question denied these accusations and asserted that he owed them money, Kvalheim denied this.
In 2010 a Norwegian court decided in favor of the SS veterans on the question of the debt.
SS veterans subsequently used it to finance their activities.
The German Government first acknowledged that SS veterans were on the pension rolls early this year.