By early 1965 the Saigon government was on its last legs.
Direct aid and military training are provided to the Saigon government.
The building was abandoned after the fall of the Saigon Government in 1975.
By the beginning of 1965, it was stood upon its head - without further American action the Saigon government could not survive.
Later in the afternoon, he went on radio again and said, "I declare the Saigon government is completely dissolved at all levels."
But it was a war that the Saigon Government was losing.
There were 1.3 million men fighting for the Saigon government, including the South Vietnamese and other allies.
U.S. policy was for a time dictated by its perception of improvement in the Saigon government.
This served to increase anti-government resentment among peasants, while solidifying urban support for the Saigon government.
The Saigon government argued that these birth defects were caused by something they called "Okinawa bacteria."