Early histories of the church made a mistaken identification with Saint Brendan, which is undoubtably wrong.
Local tradition says that Saint Brendan was blind and, while walking his dog one day, the dog ran away.
Saint Brendan reached into a bush while searching for the dog.
Saint Brendan built a stone house nearby and it is said that water beneath the stones will heal all sores.
The abbey was founded by Saint Brendan in the early sixth century.
Her pupils are said to have included Saint Brendan.
Saint Brendan's offers a wide range of subjects, both optional and core.
Student placement is an important part of Saint Brendan's program to ensure that the student's courses meet his/her educational and career needs.
It may have influenced the later story of Saint Brendan's voyage.
Severin's journey was a recreation of the one allegedly made by Saint Brendan.