Saint Elmo's fire danced along the hull as the cloaking device disengaged.
"Hey, we're picking up some version of Saint Elmo's fire."
Saint Elmo's fire and normal sparks both can appear when high electrical voltage affects a gas.
Saint Elmo's fire briefly crackled around the android's head.
Saint Elmo's fire ran up and down the strange geometries of the machine.
But back in 1944 he sees the world in a beautiful new way: everything is haloed by Saint Elmo's fire.
Saint Elmo's fire danced around the windscreen like a scene from a horror movie.
The salty captain had seen Saint Elmo's fire dancing from the spars.
It seemed electrical in nature, although very silent, a close relative of ball lightning, maybe, or Saint Elmo's fire.
Saint Elmo's fire is another phase of atmospheric electricity to be considered in this connection.