It was lucky for us all, wasn't it, boys, that fancy new Saks store opened up on Fifth Avenue just before we came away?
She examined a sheet that listed the clothes of the various designers sold at the Saks store in Greenwich and their sales figures.
Mr. Miller said he hoped to add Roehm shops in more of the 59 Saks stores next year.
Saks stores have recently opened in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and Dubai.
He and his associates said that they were interested in opening new Saks stores internationally, especially in Japan and Europe.
Fortunoff will demolish the Saks store and the parking structure next to it early next year.
Those Saks stores feature a different range of merchandise than the traditional Saks branches.
The Saks store, which has been faring poorly against the competition, is planning to modernize.
After the destruction of the World Trade Center, all the display windows in the 61 Saks stores were draped in black.
The second shipment is 92 percent gone from the 62 Saks stores around the country, she said.