He then became a leading opposition figure against the Salazar regime.
A. I was sick and tired of the Salazar regime, and felt that the United States would offer me better opportunities.
For a long time the paper had showed itself favourable to Italian fascism, as well as to the Salazar regime in Portugal.
The Portuguese film industry was also highly censored and restricted under the fascist Salazar regime that lasted from the early 1930s until the mid-1970s.
Oliveira attributed this to his own well known dislike for the Salazar regime.
But the Salazar regime did not budge.
His humour was, at the time (especially considering Portugal was still under the dictatorial Salazar regime), both unexpected and fresh.
The war prompted unrest in Portuguese society and helped lead to the decline of the Salazar regime.
His opposition to the Salazar regime caused him to seek exile in London during the 1950s.
Eça de Queiroz was a strong supporter of the Salazar regime and he sought office in the new government when it took charge in 1932.