Retail sales of all guns have tumbled 30 percent since 1982, to $1.3 billion in 1987.
But sales tumbled the next year as the novelty wore off.
Sales of durable goods also tumbled 5 percent in April, to $187.74 billion.
Sales tumbled from a high of 264,282 in 1988 to 107,378 in 1995.
General Motors was hit particularly hard: its sales tumbled 15.7 percent over last May.
During the third weekend, the film's sales tumbled 90 percent after 183 more theatres dropped it, making £8,896.
During the first half of this year, Saturn's sales tumbled 9.4 percent from a year earlier.
Its sales tumbled 17 percent in 2003, as customers put off big-ticket purchases.
Sales tumbled after it stopped giving employee discounts to anyone with a pulse.
At Chrysler, sales of light trucks tumbled, while car sales rose.