He has played an important role in both the economic and social changes undertaken by the Salinas administration.
Some critics say that the center is too close to the Salinas Administration.
The seed money came from the Salinas administration, but most of the $15 million it cost has been raised through donations and corporate contributions.
"We're going to make clear to the Salinas Administration what kind of political reforms are expected and required before that happens," he said.
In the end, the Salinas Administration granted the new banks only limited access to the market.
Until now, the political reforms undertaken by the Salinas administration have mainly dealt with the voting process.
During the Salinas administration many state-owned companies were privatized.
A center report said the Salinas Administration used Solidarity to build a new political base.
He and others expect the Salinas Administration would therefore have to restrict imports as well in order to hold down the trade imbalance.
To attract more investors, the Salinas Administration extended that protection to other foreign applicants.