Nevertheless, there are major differences, the Salomon analyst added.
Mr. Jones, the Salomon analyst, said he thought that the revenue growth would come.
The Salomon analyst was known for taking management's views and giving them a positive spin.
Salomon analysts believe that the market has not fully realized the real value of these securities and say the premium on them should be higher.
Ms. Madan, the Salomon analyst, had estimated that the bank was owed about $140 million.
A Salomon analyst braved an estimate that drug stocks could fall another 15 percent, and slashed a load of them from her buy list.
A Salomon analyst, Mark Banta, said that figure was significantly higher than the industry overall.
Richard Zandi, the Salomon analyst who wrote the report, praised the company's management, business model and potential to dominate its market.
Ms. Solomon, the Salomon analyst, said she was concerned that international snack food sales may not be strong.
For more venturesome investors, the Salomon analyst named several "trading opportunities" that are geared to short-term moves over the next few months.