The former Sandinista soldiers freed 14 of their 34 captives on Saturday night.
Several children and a pregnant woman died in that attack, along with nine Sandinista soldiers.
The caravan was ambushed, and all three drivers, one of them a Sandinista soldier, were killed.
A short while later, the former Sandinista soldiers responded by releasing 11 hostages.
Several members of the squad said that they would be able to live and work alongside former Sandinista soldiers if a peace is reached.
However, there are reports of Sandinista soldiers being wounded by unmarked mines they themselves planted in the area last spring.
He was soon surrounded by Sandinista soldiers and gave himself up.
No Sandinista soldiers would be allowed to enter the zones.
The ministry said 15 Sandinista soldiers were killed in fighting and 62 were wounded.
Sandinista soldiers were much in evidence in Chontales this week.