Sandra Stone is a visual and conceptual artist as well as a poet, playwright and author of literary fiction and nonfiction.
Sandra Stone has received more than 35 commissions from major architectural firms to create art for both public interiors and the landscape.
Sandra Stone was rightly sassy as the town tease.
When Sandra Stone, lightly leaping and whirling, dances a solo to "I Can Dream, Can't I?
Even Sandra Stone, so outstandingly desperate in her sculptural flailing in "Oracle," is meant to bespeak something less than tragedy.
Add a flashing red neon light, and the churchlike space is instantly turned into a seedy local bar, a hangout for the town's loose Party Girl (Sandra Stone).
The Demon Within, the fright-wigged red figure on another chart, is personified with tremendous bravura by Sandra Stone.
We see the preacher grappling lustfully if fleetingly with a woman, Sandra Stone, who later struts around, chest out and a trail of youths behind her.
At the beginning of the novel Kelso has a chance meeting with Sandra Stone, the girl with whom he lost his virginity back when they were at school.
Sandra Stone represents an idealized romantic love.