The Sanger Centre has sequenced a third of the human DNA now in the data banks, a larger contribution than that of any other institution.
At this point he was made director of the newly established Sanger Centre (named after Fred Sanger).
Another participant is the Sanger Center in Cambridge, England.
The genome was decoded by scientists at the Sanger Center near Cambridge, England, who describe their work in the issue of Nature released today.
"It's been a real struggle," said Dr. Hall of the Sanger Center.
"The Sanger Centre has got to evolve," Dr. Morgan said.
One-third of the human genome sequence is to be finished by the Sanger Center, near Cambridge, England.
Following completion of the 'working draft' of the human genome sequence in 2000, Sulston retired from his role as director at the Sanger Centre.
The Sanger Center recorded 7,500 visits for contraceptives in 1989, the last year for which data was available, and 1,800 for sexually transmitted diseases.
Its only peer is the Sanger Center in Hinxton, England.