Fortunately for my desert thirst, the recommendation was to accompany it with a bottle of Sapporo beer.
Despite its name, Sapporo beer is not exclusively brewed in Sapporo.
Tomi asked when they had settled in, and had their first gulps of Sapporo beer.
Japanese foods, Sapporo beer, Hakusan sake and soft drinks will be for sale, and since everything is under tents the event will be held rain or shine.
An exuberant but thoughtful blond-surfer type, Kubler drank a Sapporo beer and explained how radically the Internet had changed his life on the road.
I washed it down with a large Sapporo beer ($3.50) and retired to my closet.
Splash it all down with Sapporo beer.
Nicholas and Tachi ordered Sapporo beers.
(Sapporo beer uses a star logo as well.)
Japanese often recommend the Sapporo Beer Garden, (81-11) 742-1409, a huge restaurant owned by the brewery that makes Sapporo beer.