I knew it was over near the Sari Club.
It was dumb luck that I didn't go to the Sari Club that night.
I saw today a picture taken 10 minutes before the explosion, at the bar of the now obliterated Sari Club.
A notoriously raucous pickup bar, the Sari Club was off-limits to local residents not working there.
Sanderson was at the Sari Club, just hours before the 2002 Bali bombings killed 202 people.
They were then vulnerable to the much larger bomb in the van parked outside the Sari Club, just across the narrow roadway.
More than 180 people were killed in the bomb blast that engulfed the Sari Club on Oct. 12.
The second bomb went off in a restaurant, Paddy's, near the Sari Club.
Members of a football team from Perth, Australia, were at the Sari Club, Australian officials said.
On Sunday night, residents learned that 24 of the 25 Forbes visitors were in the Sari Club when it was destroyed.