A European charm of manner and a slight Scandinavian accent completed his front.
A very young, very breathy female voice with a Scandinavian accent answered.
"It's all so common," Crabtree said with a Scandinavian accent.
Millen thought he had a Scandinavian accent, generally kept himself clean shaven, and seemed to have plenty of money for supplies.
"Most recently, Australia," he called back, with a wisp of a Scandinavian accent.
A blonde with looks and a Scandinavian accent.
"Ja," she said with her Scandinavian accent, thinking he must be a fellow tenant.
"Try the apple pie," she said, slowly, twice and in a Scandinavian accent.
It came from a young blonde with a Scandinavian accent, who had come out of the back room of the optical department.
"Broken arm, shoulder, and maybe a leg also," the orderly said with a distinct Scandinavian accent.