And when it is all over, what country will they select to form the nucleus of the great Scandinavian state that must come?
This is quite a contrast to Scandinavian states, such as Sweden whose prison population is only 60 prisoners per 100,000 people as they spend 31% of GDP on welfare.
In his wry acknowledgment that neither the journalist nor the highly Scandinavian state would be pivotal, Mr. McCain was telling a joke on himself.
Lilli and her fashions were sold as children's toys in a number of European countries, including Italy and Scandinavian states.
The Nordic Championships in badminton was an international open held in the Scandinavian states from 1962 until 1999.
Galleys of the Mediterranean type were first introduced in the Baltic Sea around the mid-16th century as competition between the Scandinavian states of Denmark and Sweden intensified.
Eda also appears high in name rankings for Scandinavian states such as Sweden.
I have been preceded on the floor by four speakers from the Scandinavian states.
Proportionally, the number of deported persons would amount to half a million had these deportations taken place in three Scandinavian states - Sweden, Denmark and Norway.
Historically, the red cross on yellow is likely the flag of the Kalmar Union, a medieval Scandinavian state of which Orkney was a part.