The School of Dentistry has earned an international reputation for its educational, clinical, research, service and patient-care programs.
Thereafter, the School of Dentistry has maintained its accreditation continuously.
The School of Dentistry has taken a leadership role in the international community.
As an integral part of its mission, the School of Dentistry has developed a significant work in research at all levels.
It began its mission in 1959 with establishing the Schools of Medicine and Dentistry.
A further change came about when the School of Dentistry was added to the faculty of medicine.
One year later, Schools of Dentistry and Pharmacy were established, albeit temporarily.
The School of Dentistry ended in 1928, and Pharmacy six years later.
Since 1917 he had been professor of dental praxis at the School of Dentistry.
The School of Dentistry admitted its first class of students in October 1948.