Schools Chancellor Rudy Crew said the program was an example of how businesses could help prepare students for the job market.
The case involved a challenge to the suspension of a community school board by Schools Chancellor Rudy Crew.
For Schools Chancellor Rudy Crew, a good reason to quit while he's ahead.
Schools Chancellor Rudy Crew has won enormous support for nearly all of his initiatives.
The committee, which plans to present the petition to Schools Chancellor Rudy Crew, has set 10,000 as a goal.
The reason is his confidence in Schools Chancellor Rudy Crew.
Schools Chancellor Rudy Crew would make more seats available without having to spend any money on building new schools.
Schools Chancellor Rudy Crew went to both hospitals last night to console grieving family members and friends.
Schools Chancellor Rudy Crew said last night that he had not yet seen the suit and was unfamiliar with the test.
"We are really bringing to this a fresh set of eyes," Schools Chancellor Rudy Crew said.