Mahendralal Sarkar started a campaign in 1867 for a national science association.
He was president of the Current Science Association between 1970-76.
More disturbing than having missed the chance to apply for the grant was the potential setback in the company's relationship with the science association.
A six-page survey was sent to all 19,000 members of the science association who list themselves as life scientists, either in industry or academia.
Since its beginning, national political science associations have constituted its core.
At Stanford he was the founder and first president of the Science Association.
He served as president of the Philosophy of Science Association from 1995 to 1996.
Address to the 2002 meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association.
He also presented a report of experiments with inverted vision to the Science Association of the university.
In 1954 he was appointed director of the political science association, a post he held until he retired in 1981.