Brigadoon is a cultural Scottish Festival that occurs one day annually in April at Bundanoon every year.
Payson is home to the Onion Days and Salmon Supper events held every August and an annual Scottish Festival.
It is the site for the region's only Tulip Festival, an annual Scottish Festival, annual Cornbelly's attraction, and Highland Games.
August - Scottish Festival featuring Highland games, dancers and entertainment - Amherst Museum.
The Trust also became a partner in organising the annual Scottish Festival of Politics with the Scottish Parliament.
At the same time, he sang at Clan concerts and Scottish Festivals.
Scottish Festival & Highland Games are held on the fourth weekend of September of each year.
Their goal is to improve enough to play in the annual Scottish Festival and then join the "B" Band.
Impressions (2004) These CDs include many favorites from past Scottish Festivals and other traditional and contemporary tunes.
Fergus is best known for the annual Scottish Festival and Highland Games, held in August.