While her father was a wasteful eccentric, her mother who had had Scottish ancestors was said to be very quiet and dutiful.
Belonging to the Swedish-speaking minority of Finland, von Wright also had Finnish and 17th-century Scottish ancestors.
This makes it hard to pinpoint the clan that one's Scottish ancestors came from.
With a bit of ethnic research, Ehrenreich might have been able to answer the question she posed about her Scottish ancestors: "As for clans: Why not call them 'tribes'?"
It transpired that Murphy had no Scottish ancestors and was therefore ineligible.
The Rodgers family has been farming the land since the 1840's, when the place was built by Scottish ancestors.
Many people in the city have Scottish or Irish ancestors.
Well, maybe you've got Scottish ancestors then.
Instead, they're living out the traditions of their Scottish ancestors, sometimes railing magnificently at life and sometimes accepting even its most indelicate truths.
Watts built a palatial summer house and named it Rosehill after the 16th-century home of a Scottish ancestor.