Another common interpretation sees the novella's duality as representative of Scotland and the Scottish character.
His appearance may have been based on a similar-looking, nameless Scottish character from the 1943 propaganda short The Spirit of '43.
"Stone Voices" is a search for the Scottish national character.
The difference is that these Scottish characters are little more than authorially professed types who lack much of the literary stature of their Joycean counterparts.
Colourful pageant of famous Scottish characters.
He is from London but can often be seen using an accent other than his own and has played many Scottish, Irish and American characters.
This insistence on emphasising the Scottish character of his enterprises could be irksome to those who did not share his passion.
Nevertheless, a large Scottish element in the Plantation of Ulster gave the settlements a Scottish character.
The novel is filled with interesting people, described without much sympathy, and is well-stocked with the author's musings on life and the Scottish character.
The charter then specifies a key purpose for the press- The production of liturgical books with a distinctive Scottish character.