Farquharson was very patriotic and well versed in Scottish literature.
Why the quotation marks in her question - "Scottish" literature?
This poem is widely regarded as one of the most important long poems in 20th-century Scottish literature.
There may be more medieval Scottish Gaelic literature than is often thought.
In 18th- to 19th-century Scottish literature, it was also applied to aquatic spirits.
Is it useful to talk of Scottish literature, when there's such a diverse range of work coming out of the country?
'I wanted to show Scottish literature as an entity in the context of its history,' she stated.
The late 18th and the 19th century selections present Scottish literature at its most popular and appealing.
We've been hearing for years now that we are living through a golden age of Scottish literature.
It is one of the most important bodies of work in the canon of early Scottish literature.