A Celtic-flavoured town that owes much to the Scottish settlers who came to the district in the 1830s.
Initially, Scottish settlers were not attacked by the rebels but as the rebellion went on, they too became targets.
They were followed by a wave of new Scottish settlers.
This brought over thousands of Scottish settlers as tenants to work on the land and by 1609 these planters were securely established.
Scottish settlers arrived in the area in the 19th century, and their descendants still live there to the present day.
Its small fields and many stone houses attest to the first Scottish settlers who began arriving in the early 19th century.
These names are thought to derive from a Scottish settler, probably after a place name in Scotland.
Scottish settlers arrived in large numbers and the town grew quickly.
Scottish settlers had been migrating to Ulster for many centuries.
She probably began to teach knitting by the 1890s, and added patterns as she learned them from other Scottish settlers.