Now carried out by machine, this was originally achieved by stamping on the fabric in water, thus the old Scottish term 'waulking'.
The members of the lodge were "Brithers" (brothers), a Scottish legal term for those bound to each other by oath.
The Scottish term survives in its metaphorical use from the beginning of the nineteenth century as a detective, now usually shortened to sleuth.
The scottish term for these people is 'numpty'.
I found out early about Auld Nick, the Scottish term for the devil.
She had called him by the uncomplimentary Scottish term for the English since the first moment they had met.
The other is the Scottish term, "are ye rummaging, laddy?"
A heritable creditor is the Scottish term analogous to a mortgagee and will usually be a bank or building society.
A Scottish term referring to a group of fairies and fairy beasts which can be dangerous, or at least mischievous.
The word may have derived from the Scottish term for clothes, duddies.