The party had a strong Scottish theme, with the kilt considered one of the party's symbols.
There is an Irish and Scottish theme to the pub and its staff members wear kilts while working.
Vendors from all over the region come to sell their arts and crafts, all with a distinctly Scottish theme.
In the 1970s, the colors were changed to the MacFarlane tartan of red, white, blue and green, to go with the school's Scottish theme.
Investors don't want to put that kind of money in a film with a Scottish theme.
The Scottish theme isn't convincing, but the boozing students and late-night drinkers don't seem to mind.
In keeping with the Scottish theme, the school canteen is known as the Haggis Hut.
In keeping with the base's Scottish theme, each building is named after a different Scottish clan and bears its crest.
It was a tiny shop, boasting an unenthusiastic window display of old hardbacks, mostly with a Scottish theme.
Some of his works take Scottish themes, but as often they do not.