Danish-language Scrabble sets use these 100 tiles.
There are two kinds of Latin-language Scrabble sets developed by two authorities in the language.
Rosemary sat down next to the Scrabble set.
One in every three American households is reported to own a Scrabble set.
Just look at a Scrabble set - these letters earn high points because of their relative rarity in English words.
Arthur picked up one of the letter stones from his home-made Scrabble set.
There are 120 tiles (instead of 100) and the values differ from the Swedish Scrabble set.
She went away from Guy, to the window where the Scrabble set lay.
On the desk was a newspaper - the Washington Post, by the way - and the Scrabble set.
He recognized the sports page as a whole and he could still see the large letters of the Scrabble set.