"The Secret Rapture" came to Broadway five years ago in an intriguing if stiff production directed by the playwright.
"The Secret Rapture" offers a warning to people who believe in tidy, buttoned-down solutions.
The Secret Rapture is a 1993 British drama film directed by Howard Davies.
Such ambiguities are ignored by both lead actresses in "The Secret Rapture," who instead perform a dull, diagrammatic bad sister versus good sister act.
The Secret Rapture is a 1988 British play by David Hare.
The Secret Rapture may refer to:
Her theatre work includes the premiere of The Secret Rapture in 1988.
The first time he really demonstrated this maturity was in The Secret Rapture (1988), a work Hare himself has pointed to as an important departure.
Among them is "The Secret Rapture" at the Lyttelton.
In late spring, there will be David Hare's "Secret Rapture," with Blair Brown.