The four Secret Servicemen rode in a separate car right behind, with the communications equipment.
The place was already crawling with Secret Servicemen.
In two cars following came the service chiefs and more Secret Servicemen.
Everyone saw the two military men leave the room, walking quickly, out toward the office where the Presidential communications were located, guarded by six Secret Servicemen.
Another Secret Serviceman drove the admiral's car in the rear.
The Secret Servicemen formed a posse at the end of the line of open horse stalls.
You don't hear of many Spanish Secret Servicemen though.
He was behind the wheel, with the engine running, before the Secret Servicemen had time to scramble out of the house and join him.
Added to that, the President will have twenty Secret Servicemen protecting him, working round-the-clock shifts.
I looked at - the Secret Servicemen, who were looking back.