State election results must be certified by the State's Secretary.
"Can you tell me, on - when this petition was filed here, the secretary had not certified anybody the winner?"
The secretary certifies deputies and keeps minutes and records of the house.
"And now the secretary has certified a winner," Justice Breyer said quickly.
But if we start out from the point that what we have here, the secretary has certified the first election returns that came in.
The state's secretary of state has certified that enough signatures were collected to send a law banning nearly all abortions to a vote in November.
The action is to determine whether the secretary of state certified the correct winner for the entire state of Florida.
The secretary of state for Florida could then certify the final results before the Electoral College votes.
Earlier in the day, a lower-court judge ruled that the secretary of state could certify results without recount results.
Of the more than 1.3 million signatures submitted by supporters, the secretary of state's office certified 915,456 for an approximately 70.5% validation rate.