The Secretary of De-fense promptly denied that any such tests were being conducted over the Atlantic.
All three Secretaries strongly deny that their main mission (at least at this point in the campaign) is to get Mr. Clinton re-elected.
The Secretary has previously denied that campaign contributions or lobbying influenced his department's decision to turn down the casino.
The Secretary denied allegations that senior Pentagon civilians had influenced the armed services' final recommendations, saying, "We have managed the process; we have not manipulated it."
The 13-member council would publicize its findings, and the Secretary of Health and Human Services could deny Medicare coverage for drugs deemed to be overpriced.
The Secretary of State denied this, stating that ballots themselves are supposed to be neutral, not political billboards.
"The Secretary would deny to Israel, our staunch friend and ally, the right he grants to East Germany: the right to choose its own capital."
Obviously, deny any interest in any position, especially Secretary of State.
Let us take table D1.1 in the' Training Statistics 1991', which the Secretary of State denied existed earlier in the debate.
Secretary Denies Role Don't blame me, said Mr. Stewart.