He and other Democrats said the public response to their Senate fight was positive.
Meanwhile, negotiators agreed to repeal outright the new expansion of Medicare, although a Senate fight over the accord may be at hand.
This promises to be one of the key Senate fights of 2012.
He admitted the vehement politics of the Senate fight caught him a bit by surprise.
Without a budget and the rules that go with it, the door could be opened to a flurry of sticky Senate legislative fights.
Its other major provision, however, is emerging as the focus of the next Senate fight.
Mr. Lieberman led the Senate fight against the rule change, and today is often praised as the senator who saved stock options.
Discussion of the recent Senate fight over fuel economy standards is relegated to a small box at the report's end.
He was confirmed after a rancorous Senate fight.
Republicans then watched from the sidelines as the Democratic party split itself in the ensuing Senate fight.