Senator Hatfield, who is retiring this fall, called the negotiations "the most bipartisan in my memory."
He or she will look a lot like Senator Hatfield as he looks now.
Senator Hatfield retired in 1996 after more than 46 years of political service, having won all eleven political campaigns he entered.
Senator Hatfield is 70 years old, and his current term ends in 1996.
Executives at biotechnology companies said they were disturbed by Senator Hatfield's action.
Senator Hatfield says he is proud to be called a liberal Republican.
"Our sincere hope is that Senator Hatfield will pick up the baton and take it to the finish line."
That information was never disclosed to Senator Hatfield or his wife.
Senator Hatfield had also broken party ranks in voting against the balanced-budget amendment.
We were on the brink of success when Senator Hatfield told me, in no uncertain terms, he was going to vote no.