Senator Paterson said, "We don't want to raise hopes that can't be fulfilled."
"What's at stake is the integrity of the party primary," said Senator Paterson, a Democrat from Manhattan.
Senator Paterson said the police had discounted information provided by some of the nine youths who were with the victim just before his death.
"He was emotional but also respectful," Senator Paterson said of the Governor's conduct during the day.
She did not respond to telephone calls to her office yesterday afternoon asking for comment on Senator Paterson's action.
"We have chosen different paths" on issues over the years, Senator Paterson said.
Senator Paterson reimbursed the developer for the highest available commercial fare.
After discussing personnel matters with the executive director, Senator Paterson suggested the board examine the group's finances.
"As a good soldier, I was supporting Senator Paterson in the direction that we were going."
"In any event I can remember, I've never seen two sides who know so little about what the other is doing," Senator Paterson said.