Early in the campaign, Senator Robb stressed his support for abortion rights.
I hold Senator Robb in the very highest regard.
In the 1994 race, Senator Robb, a Democrat, kept his seat with 46 percent of the vote.
"With less interaction between the civilian and military cultures, we're going to have progressively less understanding of one another," Senator Robb said.
Federal prosecutors have notified Senator Robb that he is also a target of their investigation into illegal eavesdropping.
Senator Robb, on the ropes and under pressure from his senatorial colleagues, has just suspended all three of his top staff aides.
Senator Robb has never heard tapes of this type.
In reply, Senator Robb relishes the choice voters will face between two such familiar, experienced politicians.
For all the satisfaction he took from the grand jury's vote, even Senator Robb professed puzzlement about this confusing denouement of his case.
Senator Robb has denied ordering any telephone eavesdropping or leaking any tapes.