The Senators have contended that they were trying to help a constituent and did nothing improper.
Several Mexican Senators contended that Washington was once again soiling Mexico's reputation.
All five Senators have contended that they did no special favors for Mr. Keating beyond what they would not do for any other citizen or political supporter.
Senators from states with few unionized mines contended that the proposed fee would penalize their states and unfairly subsidize others.
Senator Present contended the council did not have the legal authority to act.
Democratic Senators contended that these vacancies remained despite Clinton nominations to fill them because of obstruction by Republican Senators.
The Senator contends that the Administration, not the Senate, is causing the delays.
Commuting and Computing Modern-day communications and transportation systems, the Senator contends, make it feasible to put Federal complexes almost anywhere.
Mr. McMillan calls this record poor; the Senator contends it is better than that of most other senators.
The Senator, Robert C. Smith, contends that the 10 were trying to cover up evidence about Americans missing and perhaps captured in Vietnam.