Every senator who spoke praised him, but 23 Republicans voted against his confirmation.
The senator also praised religious organizations for promoting abstinence.
The senators listened respectfully, and repeatedly praised the men in uniform for their work on the front lines.
But even as several Senators praised the measure, they sent mixed messages about what they had accomplished.
Some key senators who had been backing new legislation praised the announcement, but other lawmakers said they would continue to press for new laws.
Senators from each party praised Mr. England as a savvy business manager.
Psellus writes that "despite their embarrassment, the senators still praised the agreement as if it were a document sent down from heaven."
At yesterday's news conference, the senators and Mr. Bennett praised those companies and urged others to do the same.
Most senators at today's hearing praised Mrs. Huber and said they believed her rendition of how she had come upon the papers.
Senators from both parties, including Mr. Schumer, praised his skill, experience and integrity as a prosecutor.