A reference to such maneuvering was included as background material near the bottom of the Sept. 7 article.
The news agency cited 40 articles with the dubious references, including the Sept. 8 article that led to its inquiry.
The issue of possibly fabricated names did not arise until shortly after the Sept. 8 article, which was on federal statistics on violent crime.
Some readers have asked about the reporting that went into the Sept. 20 article about the aspirations of women at Yale and other elite colleges.
Your Sept. 7 front-page article goes further and asserts "such a force would require Indonesia's consent."
To the Editor: What a pleasure it was to read your Sept. 2 front-page article on adventure travel for the elderly.
Yet, his comment in your Sept. 5 front-page article on his experience with legislating tax breaks for special interests perhaps belies this negative view.
The information was included at the bottom of the Sept. 7 article to provide context about the rivalry between the leaders.
I was disappointed that Daniel Smith devoted only two sentences, in his Sept. 4 article, to the issue of "intelligent design."
Mr. Kahn later referred to the political jockeying at the end of the Sept. 7 article.