A8 Ukrainians await Bush with skepticism A12 Croatia has drawn up a peace plan offering its Serb minority key conces- sions it had sought, including home rule, control over the local police and greater political power, Croatian officials said.
His testimonies helped reveal ethnic cleansing of its Serb minority, the joint criminal enterprising being found by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in 2011.
Over all, Croatia's insensitivity to the fears of its Serb minority becomes clear.
In the first one hundred days following Operation Storm, at least 150 Serb civilians were summarily executed, and many hundreds disappeared as part of a widespread campaign of revenge against Croatia's Serb minority.
"But they can't take Croatia's Serb minority with them."
In neither Croatia nor Bosnia did the world heed the claims of the Serb minorities.
Stymied in Croatia and watching rampant inflation and stagnation sap his popularity, Mr. Milosevic has aroused Serbia to yet another dubious cause - defending Bosnia's Serb minority against a supposed militant Muslim onslaught.
In addition, the army assisted Mr. Milosevic in his goal of carving out a rump Yugoslavia that included Serb minorities, and seemed to expect in return that the nation would be rich enough to preserve its privileges.
Likewise, the Serb minority in Kosovo has concerns that must be addressed.