- a diminutive for Serb nationalists.
Instead, the radical Serb nationalists are gaining strength.
The delegates, most of whom are militant Serb nationalists, were in no mood to approve the peace plan.
And on Friday, it was announced that the three sides would meet in Greece this weekend, giving Serb nationalists one more chance to make peace.
But whether that frustration can spark wide public opposition to the Serb nationalists was difficult to predict.
Mr. Westendorp ordered radical Serb nationalists out of state television.
It was as strong, in its way, on the other side of the war, among the Serb nationalists.
By late autumn, it was openly backing Serb nationalists.
There were 4,000 Albanian children who had, it was claimed, been poisoned by Serb nationalists.
However, the ceremony results in mass riots by Serb nationalists, who beat and stone 300 elderly Bosnian Muslims.