JW sets off the car alarm of the Serbian attackers to distract them.
Serbian attackers fired repeatedly at a group of four 21-story apartment buildings, using incendiary shells to turn them into infernos.
He said the Serbian attackers fled immediately after the shooting in two cars and two vans.
He said the mortar bombs that struck a civilian bread line in Sarajevo probably came from Serbian attackers in the hills outside the city.
That means the U.N. force protects the Serbian attackers.
It also authorized the use of air strikes against Serbian attackers.
He said one uniformed soldier blew a whistle to summon fresh troops when the Serbian attackers grew weary of the assault.
Aides say the delay sent a dangerous signal to the Serbian attackers.
In many accounts, it is possible to discern a division of labor among the Serbian attackers.
This left the town, an old Muslim settlement lying in a deep valley, to face the Serbian attackers alone.