In his dedicated work on the preservation of Serbian musical heritage, he preserved a total of 3200 songs in his lifetime for posterity.
The Serbs have refused to recognize government institutions dominated by the Albanians in what has been a territory dear to Serbian religious and cultural heritage.
Icon-painting is also part of Serbian medieval cultural heritage.
Besson was born of a half Russian father and a Croatian mother of Serbian heritage.
A young Malden took part in many of these plays, which included a version of Jack and the Beanstalk, but mostly centered on the community's Serbian heritage.
He described himself as "an Austrian, Viennese, and European of Serbian heritage."
Many Serbs visit Greece because of the important Serbian heritage found in the country.
The oldest Cyrillic work is the Miroslav Gospels from the late 12th century, one of the most precious and significant documents of Serbian cultural heritage.
I get letters from people of Serbian heritage charging me with unfairness in criticizing Serbian aggression.
Bojić is of Serbian heritage.