The Muslim-led Bosnian Army cannot reasonably hope to prevail if confronted by Serbian resistance and Croatian passivity.
The advance however soon ran into difficulty and slowed down considerably due to the increased Serbian resistance.
What is our plan if the environment is one of Serbian political and military resistance?
The First Battle of Kosovo sealed the fate of the Serbian resistance, and became a national symbol for heroism and the admirable 'fight against all odds'.
Even Britain draws the line at sending in NATO troops in the face of a well-armed, organized Serbian resistance.
The attack on the Balkans by the Central powers was begun by Austria, who initially suffered setbacks by fierce Serbian resistance.
Austria-Hungary had attacked Serbia in August 1914, but had failed to overcome Serbian resistance.
The legacy of the 14th-century defeat, as celebrated in songs and epic poems, stands with the surviving monasteries as the most enduring symbol of Serbian resistance.
But when they listen to the Pentagon's warnings about fierce Serbian resistance, many here recall the forecasts two years ago that Iraqi troops would fight well in Kuwait.