This was down on the series opener in October which managed 1.8 million.
But the series opener was billed as more than just another playoff game.
Is there any doubt Hernández would be the choice to start a series opener?
Anderson responded that in the series opener, he would "blow up the Earth".
They lost four of their final five games after starting the post-season 5-0, including a victory in this series' opener.
Detroit won the series opener by 5-3 on Saturday.
Hawkins, who had a career-high 35 points in the series opener, finished with 21 tonight.
Turner starred in series 3 opener which broadcast on 23 January 2011.
Scott Podsednik hit the only grand slam of his career in the series opener.
He broke his thumb during a game played on September 27, 1972-less than three weeks before the Series opener.