Leaf and Shadow marched mechanically, saying little.
With Sparrow and the other senseless man bound and shoved to the brush beside the road, The Shadow marched his helper up an embankment and shoved him into a forward sprawl.
As soon as the three servants had raised their hands, The Shadow marched them to a side room, while Harry took the car down in a hurry.
Shadows marched on the cavern walls.
As the prowl car rolled past, The Shadow was marching Trent and Langley right up the marble steps into the gloomy light of the musty old museum.
Out into the waiting night, The Shadow marched the cowering pair, confident they would direct him to their former master, the Black Dragon!
Then the Shadows rose gently to the window, passed through it, and sinking slowing upon the field of outstretched snow, commenced an orderly gliding rather than march along the frozen surface.
A few seconds more, The Shadow would have marched the shaky lieutenant right out of Clint's camp and away.
Turning Marne about, The Shadow marched him to a table by the door.