In addition to his own poetry, O'Connor is now translating Shakespearean verse into modern English.
However, Shakespearean blank verse was used with some success by John Webster and Thomas Middleton in their plays.
Puck juggled, Oberon flew on a trapeze, and the production celebrated man as well as Shakespearean verse.
Maurice often embellishes his entrances and exits with strained Shakespearean verse.
He could recite Shakespearean verse for hours.
That would be like assuming that Elizabethans spoke in Shakespearean blank verse.
On hearing of the bull-running tradition he was disgusted and replied in best Shakespearean verse:
This is in contrast to Ian McKellen's one-man show, which analyzed the nature of Shakespearean verse.
In several scenes, the characters express themselves in an updated style of Shakespearean verse.
In Shakespearean verse, for example, a typical poetic line is: