As a result of internal factors the Sharks suspended operations following the 2009 season, and did not play in the 2010 domestic competition.
Even when they fell behind by six and seven goals, the Sharks played as if the game's next goal would determine the winner.
The Sharks played with heart, tackling hard, with defense that stopped the Vixens cold.
The Sharks play more games going forward than any other team in the league.
The Sharks play at many fields and have no official home stadium.
For 2011 and beyond, the Sharks will play in the Women's Football Alliance.
The Sharks always play the Avalanche hard, but work ethic rarely overcomes talent.
Marchment served the suspension tonight when the Sharks played the Phoenix Coyotes.
Sharks play a vital role in the intricate balance that makes the oceans' ecosystem.
Conversly, the Sharks and Blue Jackets play four times a year, so having them overseas playing eachother means at least one home game apiece.