Located in the Sharon plain, it falls under the jurisdiction of Hefer Valley Regional Council.
Area 21, a military base in the Sharon plain, was renamed in his honour (Camp Motta Gur).
Located in the eastern Sharon plain near the Green Line, it falls under the jurisdiction of Menashe Regional Council.
In Israel, hartebeest remains were found in open landscape, northern Negev, Shephelah and Sharon plain.
The city of Haifa, on the Mediterranean coast at the north-western edge of the Sharon plain, was a strategic location in Palestine.
South-west of the kibbutz is a tiny (8-dunam) nature reserve, declared in 1968, to preserve some of the original foliage of the Sharon plain.
The actual cornerstone included the deed of foundation and seeds of grain and vegetables, symbolising the fertility of the Sharon plain.
Located in the Sharon plain near Ra'anana, it was redeemed by South African Jewry.
The reserve is a remnant of the natural state of the Sharon plain, rich in flora that grows well in iron-rich soil.
Hannah's Memorial) is a Community settlement and former kibbutz in Israel's Sharon plain.